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Sport has a great impact on people and society - it can inspire, unite and bring people joy.  Sport also plays a very important role in bringing about social change through community building, health promotion, educating youth and social inclusion.  The sports sector can help address the challenges facing our economy by creating employment opportunities for people work as professional players, as well as opportunities for people to work in areas which are related to sports.  It plays an integral part of child development and teaches youth to lead active, healthy lives while developing many of the fundamental skills necessary to succeed.  The skills youth gain through sport carry’s into the larger community and serve children throughout their life, enabling them to become valuable contributing members of society.   Competing at the highest level in any sport is an expensive business. Travel, equipment, training, coaching and physiotherapy – the costs soon add up.  It is our hope that with the generous support of donors and partner organizations that the Dr. CL Smith Foundation will provide as much support as possible to help talented athletes reach their full potential.

“Achievement is talent plus preparation” - Malcolm Gladwell

Kayle Wykes

Kayle Wykes made his debut in world golf in May 2013 at age 9, representing South Africa in the European Championships that took place in Scotland. The European Championship is a World Junior Golf Scoreboard Ranked Event which saw Kayle compete at the highest level in his age group. He then earned a priority invitation to travel to Johor, Malaysia in December 2013 to compete in the Kids Golf World Championship. Kayle has also qualified for the World Championship in the USA and has an exemption to play in these prestigious tournaments for the next 3 years.


Competing at the highest level in any sport is an expensive business, especially international tournaments.  As such, the Foundation is committed to provide as much support as possible to ensure that Kayle realizes his dream of one day being a professional golfer and playing on the PGA Tour.


The Foundation provides Kayle with the following support:

 - Creation and administration of a Facebook page 

 - Exploring various sponsorship opportunities to raise funds to cover travel and other expenses e.g. Golf Day

 - Providing a general support system.

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